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the future is now.

and we are here to help you leverage it.

Our Story

We are a tech media and entertainment company that empowers, entertains, and educates people on how to leverage the tech industry to enhance their lives. We are committed to providing the latest tech news and trends, as well as creating engaging and entertaining content that reflects the dynamic world of technology.



At our core, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to thrive in the tech industry, regardless of their background or experience. That's why in addition to curating compelling content, we are dedicated to providing accessible and comprehensive resources to help people break into the tech industry and build/scale successful careers.


Through our content, events, and partnerships, we strive to create an impact that leaves a legacy.

Meet The Team

Tap into the Tech is the New Black Podcast.

TNB Iphone graphic

Watch Episodes & Highlights on Youtube.

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